
Annual Parish Meeting

261st Annual Parish Meeting

Sunday, February 2, 2025 11:30AM | Morrill Hall & via Zoom

Take at Look at These People!

Dear Friends:

Here it is — the most read missive  of the year — the bios of candidates for elected leadership positions at the church. We love our people and love learning about them.

The Nominating Committee has done a phenomenal job. You know already each one of these siblings in Christ is beyond qualified and should be called, but that is not how it works. I am reminded that all the wardens during my tenure were not elected to the Vestry on their first try. These candidates have already done a great service to the parish by offering themselves for election, regardless of how the vote goes.

The vote will “go” as the first order of business at the Annual Meeting at 11:30am in Morrill Hall on February 2, following the 10am liturgy. You can vote in-person or online, as the Annual Meeting is in a hybrid format, and you can join on a Zoom webinar. We will send out a link or you can join in from our website. While the votes are counted you will hear about the life, finances, and future of the parish from Senior Warden Stan Twardy, Junior Warden Janet Prill, and Treasurer Tim Dann.

We realize this timing can be challenging for those with kids. There will be extended childcare for kids ages five and under. This year there will not be entertainment for older kids since parents have the option of voting from wherever they may be, whether at home or the hockey rink. If you have any questions about this, I hope you will be in touch with the office: (203) 966-4515.

This Annual Meeting will mark the end of Stan Twardy’s six-year tenure as Senior Warden, a period that has been both challenging and fruitful for the parish. His humble, supportive, and sagacious leadership helped to guide us through the pandemic and the Inspired by Love capital campaign and to bring us to the vitality we experience today. He is always the first to praise another and to raise up the communal life of the parish. Now it is our turn to praise Stan and to raise him up. We will do that with a Vestry Commendation during the 10 o’clock service.

I hope to see you there. It will be a great day to be together and give thanks for our blessings.


The Reverend Peter F. Walsh, Rector

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