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High School Youth Group

St. Mark's Youth Room 111 Oenoke Ridge, New Canaan, CT, United States

Youth Group Gatherings (Sundays following the 5pm service): Our regular youth group meetings this year will be relaxed, come-as-you-are gatherings with check-in (highs and lows), prayer, food, and discussion sparked by something shared by someone in the group (i.e., I might show a clip from a movie that resonates with me). If time allows, we’ll […]

St. Mark’s Choir Rehearsal

Sing with the St. Mark’s Choir! Singers are needed in all sections for this diverse, enthusiastic, and dedicated group, essential to the beauty and spiritual depth of sung services. We sing music from all periods, perform extended works in concert, and offer Evensong and the Service of Nine Lessons and Carols each season. With the help […]

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