12 events found.
Mondays with Merton Book Group
St. Mark's LibraryJoin us for a new reading and discussion group based on the writings of Thomas Merton (1915-1968), a Trappist monk and one of the great spiritual figures of our time. “Mondays with Merton” will be led by Fr. John and Emma Kennedy, PhD, and will meet on Mondays from 7-8pm in the St. Mark's library. […]
Praying of the Rosary
Via conference call at 978-990-5000 Access Code: 811368
Wisdom Circle Halloween Party
St. Mark's LibraryA group for all those over 75 years young. Thursday, October 31 from 3-5PM in St. Mark’s Library. Get your costumes ready, Wisdom Circle friends! We are throwing a Halloween party! Feel free to bring along a friend of any age. Expect a joyful time to reconnect in person with music, festive Halloween treats, and […]