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Event Series NC Men’s Club

NC Men’s Club

The New Canaan Men’s Club was founded in 1977 by a group of men who met regularly at the Y to play racquetball. While we have grown quite a bit […]

Event Series World’s Greatest Coffee Hour

World’s Greatest Coffee Hour

Stay after the 10:00 service for the "second sacred meal" where we form community and relationships. Greet familiar friends and meet new ones. Wear your nametag and introduce yourself to someone you do not know. It takes many hands to make hospitality. Click here to choose the dates you can help!

Set the Stage for the Pageant

St. Mark's Episcopal Church 111 Oenoke Ridge, New Canaan, CT

Each year we count on strong volunteers to help assemble the stage at the altar – led by the stage’s designer Scott Hobbs. Please pitch in if you can immediately after the 10AM service on Sunday, December 8. Many hands can get the job done in about 45 minutes. Wear comfortable shoes and work gloves if you […]

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