12 events found.
World’s Greatest Coffee Hour
Stay after the 10:00 service for the "second sacred meal" where we form community and relationships. Greet familiar friends and meet new ones. Wear your nametag and introduce yourself to someone you do not know. It takes many hands to make hospitality. Click here to choose the dates you can help!
Parish Picnic
CourtyardThe Parish Picnic will be Sunday, September 8, at 11:15AM in the courtyard, between the Church and Morrill Hall. Helping hands are needed to set up and break down tables and chairs, and clean-up after the picnic. Sign up online for a task or contact our ace hospitality chairs, Emily and James Morgan, at scrappypickles@gmail.com or the Church Office at churchoffice@stmarksnewcanaan.org to […]
Praying of the Rosary
Via conference call at 978-990-5000 Access Code: 811368