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Event Series Holy Eucharist

Holy Eucharist

St. Mark's Chapel 111 Oenoke Ridge, New Canaan, CT, United States

Join us for our Sunday 5PM contemplative service of Holy Eucharist in the chapel. This intimate and reflective service offers a quieter, more meditative worship experience, inviting you to pause, pray, […]

Event Series High School Youth Group

High School Youth Group

St. Mark's Youth Room 111 Oenoke Ridge, New Canaan, CT, United States

Youth Group Gatherings (Sundays following the 5pm service): Our regular youth group meetings this year will be relaxed, come-as-you-are gatherings with check-in (highs and lows), prayer, food, and discussion sparked by something shared by someone in the group (i.e., I might show a clip from a movie that resonates with me). If time allows, we’ll […]

Event Series Laundry Love

Laundry Love

Laundry Love operates on the first Wednesday of each month at Giant Laundry, 233 East Avenue, Norwalk.  Laundry Love is a ministry where the our mantra is to respect the dignity of every human being.” As one friend put it, “The world is often harsh and unforgiving, and it is in these small times that […]

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