12 events found.
Praying of the Rosary
Via conference call at 978-990-5000 Access Code: 811368
Laundry Love
Laundry Love operates on the first Wednesday of each month at Giant Laundry, 233 East Avenue, Norwalk. Laundry Love is a ministry where the our mantra is to respect the […]
NC Men’s Club
The New Canaan Men’s Club was founded in 1977 by a group of men who met regularly at the Y to play racquetball. While we have grown quite a bit since then, friendship and fellowship remain core to our Club. We meet on Friday mornings in Morrill Hall at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, but we are both […]
Postponed POSTPONED Music of Benjamin Britten with Trevor Scott, Tenor
St. Mark's Episcopal Church 111 Oenoke Ridge, New Canaan, CTDue to weather, this event has been rescheduled to Saturday, April 26 at 6PM. The Friends of the Music at St. Mark’s New Canaan, CT Presents Music of […]