MnM: Learn to be a Lector
Meet in the Middle will gather in the Youth Room at 10AM to learn about the role of lectors in Sunday worship as we prepare to participate in future services.
Meet in the Middle will gather in the Youth Room at 10AM to learn about the role of lectors in Sunday worship as we prepare to participate in future services.
Stay after the 10:00 service for the "second sacred meal" where we form community and relationships. Greet familiar friends and meet new ones. Wear your nametag and introduce yourself to someone you do not know. It takes many hands to make hospitality. Click here to choose the dates you can help!
Join us for our Sunday 5PM contemplative service of Holy Eucharist in the chapel. This intimate and reflective service offers a quieter, more meditative worship experience, inviting you to pause, pray, and receive communion in a serene setting. Come as you are and find rest and renewal in God’s presence at the close of the day.
Via conference call at 978-990-5000 Access Code: 811368
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Ash Wednesday
“I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church, to the observance of a holy Lent”
6:45-8AM Ashes to Go at the New Canaan train station
9AM-5PM Imposition of ashes and Rite of Reconciliation in the Church
12PM Holy Eucharist with Choir and imposition of ashes in the Church
6PM Holy Eucharist with imposition of ashes in the Chapel