- No events scheduled for June 1, 2024.
Week of Events
Holy Eucharist Rite I
Outdoor Holy Eucharist Rite II
Holy Eucharist Rite II with Live Stream
World’s Greatest Coffee Hour
World’s Greatest Coffee Hour
Stay after the 10:00 service for the "second sacred meal" where we form community and relationships. Greet familiar friends and meet new ones. Wear your nametag and introduce yourself to […]
Morning Prayer
Praying of the Rosary
Women’s AA
Holy Eucharist Rite II
Children’s Choirs Rehearsal
Children’s Choirs Rehearsal
Calling all children in kindergarten and up - Join us! We have new opportunities for your children to learn skills in reading and interpreting music, as well as the joy of singing to our Lord and with each other, all under the guidance of our Director of Music Ministry, Ned Tipton. Also, Miss Kitty Drugge […]
Morning Prayer
New Canaan Parent Support Group
BSA Troop 70
St. Mark’s Choir Rehearsal
St. Mark’s Choir Rehearsal
Sing with the St. Mark’s Choir! Singers are needed in all sections for this diverse, enthusiastic, and dedicated group, essential to the beauty and spiritual depth of sung services. We sing […]
Morning Prayer
NC Men’s Club
NC Men’s Club
The New Canaan Men’s Club was founded in 1977 by a group of men who met regularly at the Y to play racquetball. While we have grown quite a bit […]