
Creation Care

The prophet Isaiah declares, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of God’s glory.” Just as we hold our church building open as a sacred space of prayer for all people, we also regard the whole earth as God’s holy home, made for us to dwell in with our fellow creatures of God. As Christians, we recognize our sacred responsibility to care for and respect the earth, and do all we can to use its resources rightly, and for the common good (of all species, human, plant and animal alike). We are making strides in living sustainably where we can, and we are open to ideas and projects and partnerships that help us become better humans, and better ‘housemates’ in our planet home.

Please contact the church office for more information.

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Power is out but Church is on

With the power of the Holy Spirit, and the light of the sun streaming through the skylights, services will go on as scheduled.

Unfortunately, we cannot stream without power and internet. 

Eversource estimates restoration by 1:30pm.