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Evensong for All Saints’ and All Souls’

November 5, 2023 @ 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Choral Evensong (sung Evening Prayer) is one of the most beautiful services of our tradition. Most of Evensong is sung by the choir, freeing the congregation to attend prayerfully to the “holiness of beauty.” The St. Mark’s Choir will be joined by the Choir of St. Paul’s Fairfield, and will offer a service of Evensong for the Feasts of All Saints’ & All Souls’. The congregation is invited

to bring to the service framed photographs or other mementos of those whom they love and who have died. Mary Petro Noonan will sing Maurice Ravel’s extraordinary setting of the Kaddish, chanted during Jewish prayer services in mourning for the dead. During the Kaddish, the congregation will be invited to place their mementos on the altar to be blessed by the priest. The service will also feature music of the French composer Maurice Duruflé (Introit/Kyrie from his Requiem), the Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in C of Stanford, the Preces & Responses of former Westminster Abbey organist, Martin Neary, and a work (found in manuscript form in our Music Library!) of Anglo American composer Ronald Arnatt. Please join us for this beautiful, candle-lit service. A light reception will follow.


November 5, 2023
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
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Ash Wednesday

“I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church, to the observance of a holy Lent”      

6:45-8AM Ashes to Go at the New Canaan train station

9AM-5PM Imposition of ashes and Rite of Reconciliation in the Church

12PM Holy Eucharist with Choir and imposition of ashes in the Church

6PM Holy Eucharist with imposition of ashes in the Chapel