Frequently Asked Questions
The Episcopal Church uses the Bible and the Book of Common Prayer for worship. Services may feel remarkably similar to Roman Catholic or Lutheran services, in that the central rite is the Service of Holy Eucharist (or Communion). In the Episcopal Church, all baptized Christians have full entry into every sacrament of the church, including Holy Communion, Confirmation, Holy Matrimony, and Ordination (when a call is determined through the Church’s lengthy discernment process). In other words, all are welcome, and no one is excluded regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, cultural, or social or previous religious background. Read more about Who We Are here.
Jesus taught his disciples to break bread and drink wine together, and whenever we do it, we do it in “remembrance of him.” We believe in the experience of the real presence of Christ in the bread and wine of Holy Communion. The sacrament is a holy mystery, and there are many ways to articulate what that experience of real presence is for each person. We believe that Holy Communion is formative to all who receive it, regardless of one’s age or ability to understand all that is happening spiritually when one receives. For this reason, all baptized people including children are most welcome to receive Holy Communion.
We encourage all those who are seeking a deeper communion with God and with one another to share in the mystical food of Holy Communion. The sacrament is distributed under the forms of both bread and wine. To receive the wine, we encourage you to sip from the common cup. If you are not yet baptized, or if for some other reason you feel it is not appropriate for you to partake of the bread and wine, you may participate in the sacrament by coming forward for a blessing. Simply signal this intention to the priest by crossing your arms over your chest when you come to the altar. (Note, If you have not been baptized and would like to be, please speak with one of the clergy. We would be delighted to tell you all about baptism, and help you prepare when the time comes!)
Yes! Church School takes place every Sunday at 10AM in the Education Wing Childcare is also available from 9:00AM until the conclusion of the 10AM service.
Wear what makes you comfortable. There is no dress code for worship. You will see fellow congregants in everything from suits and ties or dresses and heels, to jeans or shorts and sneakers, and everything in between. Dress in whatever clothing you like.
At St. Mark’s a member is a person who attends worship as regularly as their life allows, becomes involved in service and ministry with the church in whatever way God calls them to, and makes St. Mark’s part of their annual giving.
A few times a year, we hold new member welcome events at which people are welcomed and introduced as new members at the 10AM Sunday liturgy, and then invited to an evening party at the rectory. These events are celebrations of new members, and not required for membership. Be in touch to learn more.
There are many ways to get involved in addition to participating in regular worship, from serving in Sunday worship services, teaching, providing hospitality, joining a small group class or Bible study when offered, volunteering in the Gospel Garden or Laundry Love, or through May Fair, and many other opportunities throughout the year. Be in touch with the church office to learn more.
Gifts of all sizes are most welcome and received with joy to the Glory of God. Visit the Give page to give immediately via Square or Realm, and for details on other ways of giving, including committing to a pledge.
The New Canaan Food Pantry is located at St. Mark’s and is operated by the office of Human Services for the Town of New Canaan. Learn more by calling the office of Human Services at (203) 594-3076.
Have another question?
Call (203) 966-4515 or email us!

160-163: Gospels (Open Book)