
Lent & Holy Week

“I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church, to the observance of a holy Lent”      Book of Common Prayer, p. 265. 

Ash Wednesday

6:45-8AM Ashes to Go at the New Canaan train station
9AM-5PM Imposition of ashes & Rite of Reconciliation in the Church
12PM Holy Eucharist with Choir & imposition of ashes in the Church (Watch Live)
6PM Holy Eucharist with imposition of ashes in the Chapel

Holy Week

April 17, Maundy Thursday
6PM Holy Eucharist with Choir & Footwashing in the Church
7PM to 11:30AM All Night Vigil in the Chapel

April 18, Good Friday
12PM Holy Eucharist with Choir in the Church
6PM Holy Eucharist in the Chapel

April 19, Saturday 
8AM Liturgy of Holy Saturday in the Chapel

Lenten Programs & Events

Wisdom Circle Shrove Tuesday Pancake Party

Tuesday, March 4, 2-4PM in the St. Mark’s Library

Get out your party hats for this fun pre-Lent event for anyone 75 years young and up. We’ll have pancakes, bacon, and all the trimmings. Register here or call the office to RSVP.

Spend an afternoon in service at Laundry Love

Wednesdays, March 5 and April 2, 1-7PM

Choose a two-hour shift and come alongside those in need by helping with laundry at Giant Laundry, 233 East Avenue, Norwalk. A great outreach experience for individuals and families. Register here or call the office.

Mondays with Merton: A Course in Christian Mysticism for Lent and Easter with Fr. John and Emma Kennedy, PhD

Mondays, 7–8PM in the St. Mark’s Library, March 10 through May 5

This discussion group will explore the writings of ThomasMerton (1915–1968), a Trappist monk and one of the great spiritual writers of the past century. This season, we’ll read A Course in Christian Mysticism, Merton’s lectures on key mystical writers such as Augustine, Meister Eckhart, Teresa of Avila, and John of the Cross. Originally given to monks at his monastery, these teachings offer an accessible introduction to the contemplative life and the path of divine union. Each session begins with a few minutes of contemplative prayer. Participants are encouraged to read the first two lectures (20 pages) before our first meeting. The book is available from ElmStreet Books or your preferred booksellers. A full reading schedule is available here. Come as you’re able.

Hit the Ground Walking in Lent with Reverend Elizabeth Garnsey

Beginning March 10, Concluding April 10, at 9:15AM  in front of the church

For those looking for a healthy and prayerful path this Lent, join Reverend Elizabeth for a 30-minute walk and reflection Monday through Thursday, beginning and ending at St. Mark’s. Park your car in the lot at St. Mark’s or just walk over! A great way to get your mind, body, and spirit moving. All are welcome each day or any day! No registration required.

Soup Group for the Soul with members of the clergy and others

Six Wednesdays in Lent (March 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9, 16) at
12:15PM in the St. Mark’s Library

Some of the most important passages in scripture are centered around the breaking of bread (think of the feeding of the five thousand, the Last Supper, the road to Emmaus). Each week in Lent we will come together to share a light lunch with a soup offering and a passage of scripture while we break bread with our fellow brothers
and sisters in Christ. Please reach out to Beth Ralston at if you can bring a soup to share. We’ll provide
the rest! Register here or call the office.

Come to Quiet: A time for quiet prayer and meditation in the Sanctuary

7PM (except 9PM on Thursdays) until 9:30AM (except 7:30AM on Sundays)

Throughout Lent the church is offered for quiet prayer and meditation with candlelight and contemplative music ranging from Taizé and Gregorian chant to plainsong Psalms. Spend some time in quiet with our Lord this Lent.

Lenten Gatherings for High School Youth Group

Sundays in Lent 6-7PM

Join us on Sunday evenings in Lent for a time of prayer, scripture, reflection, and communion, followed by food and fellowship. We will gather in the chapel as we explore what it means to walk with Christ through the season of Lent. Communion will be shared with freshly baked bread as we reflect on scripture and open ourselves to God’s presence. Visit the High School Youth page for weekly themes and more details.

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Power is out but Church is on

With the power of the Holy Spirit, and the light of the sun streaming through the skylights, services will go on as scheduled.

Unfortunately, we cannot stream without power and internet. 

Eversource estimates restoration by 1:30pm.