May Fair

May Fair 2025 is almost here!
White Elephant Presale Party – Thursday, May 8, 5-7PM
Friday Night Lights – Friday, May 9, 5-10PM
May Fair – Saturday, May 10, 9-3PM (rides til 6PM)

Calling all Volunteers! Make friends. Have fun. Do good.
Help is needed receiving donations and set-up (May 4 thru 9), at the fair (May 9 & 10), and for restoration (May 12 thru 15).
There is a shift for you! Click below to sign up and choose your shifts. Any questions? E-mail us. Thank you!

White Elephant Tag Sale
White Elephant Donation Days
Saturday, May 3: 9AM – 5PM
Sunday, May 4: 1PM – 5PM
Monday, May 5: 10AM – 3PM
Tuesday, May 6: 10AM – 3PM
We are happy to accept anything on this list.
Have something to donate that can’t wait? Just fill out this form and email it with photos.
Your donations power May Fair’s fantastic White Elephant tag sale – thank you! Help us make the biggest impact by donating items in good condition that we can sell. We pay to dispose of anything that is left over. We cannot accept items that are broken, rusted, have missing parts, or are unlikely, unhealthy, or unsafe to sell. Please review this list for details by area.
All donations to St. Mark’s White Elephant Tag Sale are tax deductible. Donation form available upon request.
Second Annual White Elephant Presale Party: Thursday, May 8, 5PM – 7PM
Tickets for this amazing new event go on sale Monday, April 21.
Check back here for more details. See you there!

From Chair John Kennedy, Jr:
Dear friends,
Just a short time until May Fair 2025, May 9 &10! It’s not too soon to begin to think about how we can all make this year’s May Fair enjoyable and successful for both volunteers and visitors.
I would ask you to consider a few ways you can play a part:
• Volunteer your time. Requests will begin in March / April. Your involvement can run from as little as 3 hours to as much as you care to be with us!
• Start now to set aside items to donate to white elephant ( jewelry, artwork, collectibles, unique books, furniture, rugs, lighting, Christmas items, and more).
• Suggest a local business you would be willing to approach to see if they would enjoy becoming a fair sponsor.
Opportunities range from $800-$1,500.
After my first year as chair my biggest takeaway is that all those who volunteer develop a special bond – one that I believe helps knit our St. Mark’s community together so that we are more able to be there for each other and for others in need outside our parish throughout the year.
I hope you will feel the same after May Fair 2025.
Any early questions can be directed to me through the church office. Our entire committee wishes you and your families a healthy and blessed 2025!
John Kennedy, May Fair Chair
May Fair Executive Committee: Zackary Crawford, Teri Flynn, Jenn Hladick, Deb Luchs, Scot Melland, Zibby Perkins, Peter Ryan, John Seel, Cynnie Thunem, Eric Thunem, Mason Wells
May Fair
Enjoy many May Fair memories.