
#193 Rev’d Up for Sunday “The Way We Pray” (Ash Wednesday) Matthew 6:1-6,16-21

Jesus wants us to be pious…but in secret? Peter Walsh is joined by Rob Schwartz, St. Mark’s Digital Missioner, for a special Ash Wednesday episode. They unpack Jesus’ advice in Matthew’s Gospel and discuss how our religious practices can become a way to look good in front of others rather than to connect with God. The discussion also inspires Rob to share some of his own thoughts on prayer and the pressure to “do it the right way”.

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Ash Wednesday

“I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church, to the observance of a holy Lent”      

6:45-8AM Ashes to Go at the New Canaan train station

9AM-5PM Imposition of ashes and Rite of Reconciliation in the Church

12PM Holy Eucharist with Choir and imposition of ashes in the Church

6PM Holy Eucharist with imposition of ashes in the Chapel